I can replace a pattern with line break much easy with latest jEdit; however, I found notepad++ is more lightweight and powerful. So, I intend to use notepad++.
Notepad++ has so many options, configurations and tools. I intend to it can do many jobs.
However, it takes me a while for how to replace a pattern with line break. The tricky part is how to put line break into "Replace with". I tried "\n", but not translate to line break. Also, tried "crtl+enter" key. Still no.
After, I look at http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/911631.html, then it give me some hint.
I need to turn on "End of Line" in the "View" menu, then I copy "LF" into "Replace With".
Then a pattern can be replaced with real line break.
My next goal is to replace HomeSite with Notepad++.